I am currently at IHOP, at the Onething Conference. It has been fantastic thus far. I feel so at home out here. Plus the Lord is beginning to pour out the fresh wine that is going to prepare the church for the end of the age. Hopefully I will post more soon, but for now it's sleep time.
P.S - there is also a ton of snow here!
Derek Loux
Derek Loux was a father of 10 children who are all part of IHOP-KC. Please remember them in your prayers as Derek passed away after a car accident. Please visit their blog for more information. This is hard time for many.
Posted by
Kurt Miller
on Monday, December 21, 2009
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Mark 7:25-29 says:
A woman whose little daughter had an evil spirit heard about Jesus. She went to him and bowed down. 26 The woman was a Greek Syrophoenician by race. She wanted him to drive out the demon out of her daughter. 27 He said to her: Let the children be fed first. It is not proper to take the childrens bread and cast it to the dogs. 28 She answered: Yes Lord, even the dogs under the table eat from the childrens crumbs. 29 Then he replied: Thanks to your answer you may leave for the demon has gone out of your daughter.
This is such an interesting verse. Recently a friend of mine was taking about this verse and he had some profound revelation about it. If you look at it Jesus is actually calling her a dog. That is crazy! But it was a test to see her reaction. The Lord wanted to see if she was going to be offended by Him, or if she would still receive Him.
Imagine if your pastor called you a dog and didn't want to pray for you because of all the others to pray for! Well that is what happened. When we are offened by people we aren't trusting the Lords leadership in our life. So I challenge you not to be offended by people, but instead forgive them and trust the Lord.
A woman whose little daughter had an evil spirit heard about Jesus. She went to him and bowed down. 26 The woman was a Greek Syrophoenician by race. She wanted him to drive out the demon out of her daughter. 27 He said to her: Let the children be fed first. It is not proper to take the childrens bread and cast it to the dogs. 28 She answered: Yes Lord, even the dogs under the table eat from the childrens crumbs. 29 Then he replied: Thanks to your answer you may leave for the demon has gone out of your daughter.
This is such an interesting verse. Recently a friend of mine was taking about this verse and he had some profound revelation about it. If you look at it Jesus is actually calling her a dog. That is crazy! But it was a test to see her reaction. The Lord wanted to see if she was going to be offended by Him, or if she would still receive Him.
Imagine if your pastor called you a dog and didn't want to pray for you because of all the others to pray for! Well that is what happened. When we are offened by people we aren't trusting the Lords leadership in our life. So I challenge you not to be offended by people, but instead forgive them and trust the Lord.
Good Quote
Posted by
Kurt Miller
on Sunday, December 20, 2009
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Here's a good quote from a friend of mine, Peter: when you minister from the presence you wont burn out because its fun! You are just enjoying being with daddy!
Yesterday I was in an interesting funk for a little bit and I wasn't sure what it was. So I got my bible and just went to pray a little. I was hoping to read a little bit, but then I realized that wasn't going to help much. So instead I began to meditate in Isaiah 53. Wow. It so fantastic. As I began to stare at this beautiful passage the Lord brought me back to the realization that everything is about His Son Jesus. Everything we do must come back to Him and if not then it is a waste. I just was so amazed it how overcome I was when I began to meditate on the person and character of Jesus. It such a beautiful thing that the Lord did for me.
Corey Russell is a teacher at the international House of Prayer in Kansas City, and I remember him saying one time that we need to get free from reading the bible in a year. The point behind what he is saying is that we really need to start to go deep in who Jesus actually is. I realized that I know so much about God and the bible but the real question is whether or not I actually know Him, instead of just about Him. So I would encourage you to grab a passage you like (a verse or 2) and just sit on it and ask th Lord about it for a few days, weeks, months, or even years and see what you get. I mean that is pretty much all we're going to be doing for eternity, Right?
Corey Russell is a teacher at the international House of Prayer in Kansas City, and I remember him saying one time that we need to get free from reading the bible in a year. The point behind what he is saying is that we really need to start to go deep in who Jesus actually is. I realized that I know so much about God and the bible but the real question is whether or not I actually know Him, instead of just about Him. So I would encourage you to grab a passage you like (a verse or 2) and just sit on it and ask th Lord about it for a few days, weeks, months, or even years and see what you get. I mean that is pretty much all we're going to be doing for eternity, Right?
Posted by
Kurt Miller
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Hey everyone! I am posting this from a text message on my phone. Pretty cool huh?
Unprecedented Move

This semester of school finished up this past Tuesday, and it was a great semester. I really began to enjoy some of my classes and will likely miss 1 or 2 of them, but I guess that will be ok. I am also looking forward to some of the classes for next semester.
Most of you may have heard of the awakening that is going on at The International House of Prayer in Kansas City (IHOP-KC), but if you haven't I recommend you check it out. They have been experiencing a wave of the Holy Spirit in a new and fresh way. Recently they invited Bill Johnson (Bethel Church in Redding CA) and John Arnott (Toronto Airport Fellowship) to speak into what the Lord was doing. While they were there Mike Bickle, John Arnott, and Bill Johnson along with their spouses came together on one platform in unity and agreement with what the Lord is doing.
Personally, I believe this is huge for the church. Although I doubt there was ever dissension among these men, just the fact that they came together before the nation and before the Lord is going to be significant in the church. These are 3 rivers that have a huge influence among the church, and now they are even in unity before the world.
Personally, I have watched many of the services via the free webcast and it has been a huge blessing. Not only that but my faith and expectation for the Lord to release something like that anywhere in a spontaneous way has increased tremendously. Why wouldn't the Lord want to release the Holy Spirit and power while I am eating lunch with friends? Why wouldn't he want everyone in a restaurant to get saved? He just wants a willing vessel that He can use.
Amen! Lets go after this together!
P.S - the picture was my friends Timothy with Bill Johnson at a conference we went to yesterday. I thought he was pretty bold to ask for a picture. Enjoy!
Posted by
Kurt Miller
on Saturday, December 5, 2009
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I was studying/meditating in Hosea and decided I wanted to make a post about it. What a fantastic, but drastic book.
The book it self can be divided in two parts: 1-3 and 4-14. 1-3 can really be noticed having a 2 part story and a 3 part oracle from Yahweh. The story is found in 1:3-9 and 3:1-5 while the oracle's are 1)1:10-2:1, 2)2:10-12, 3)2:14-23. The book as a whole is about the prophet Hosea marrying a prostitute named Gomer as a comparison to Yahweh's relationship with Israel and the church. There are a few highlights that I would like to mention.
Story Part 1
1:4 - Hosea is told to name his son Jezreel. Jezebel was the one who made Jezreel famous. (Try and follow this history, it's important). God ordained the destruction of Jezebel and ordained it to happen by Jehu in the Valley of Jezreel. The problem is that Jehu enjoyed destroying Jezebel. So in Hosea, the Hebrew word Jezreel actually means, "God Sows," but because of Jehu and the blood he shed it was likely that the Jezreel was misunderstood to mean, "Blood Flows.' Imagine naming a child, Bloody. That could be equivalent to someone naming their child Columbine today. This is the severity of the prophet Hosea. Imagine the effect that had on his family.
1:6 & 8 - These veres mention his other two children who are illegitiment. The girl in v. 6 is named not loved, and is likely illegitiment. Then in v. 8 his other son is named not my people. With this being His name it is almost like the Lord undoing all of the Torah History which says, "I will be your God and you will be my people." They have been spending years trying to establish this, then the Lord says, 'you are no longer my people.'
Story Part 2
In sum, this is the Lord telling Hosea to go and buy back Gomer. She has been unfaithful, but the Lord says, "Love her as the Lord loves the Israelites," (3:1). Wow. What a crazy challenge.
The 3 Part Oracle (I'm not going to mention all 3 parts).
Basically this is the Lord saying that He is going to have mercy on His people. God has been separated from His people. Part 3 concludes in 2:12-23 by talking about the re-marriage of god and His people. He is going to take her to the vineyard (a place of Romance) and be with her again. Not only that, but the once illegitimate children will be re-adopted! So it is like a baby shower and a wedding all at once!
Part 2 - Hosea 4-14
This section goes into more detail about the Israel forsaking the Lord, then concludes with the Lord returning to His people. Here are a few highlights:
4:6 - The knowledge that He is talking about here is knowledge about God. The problem is that the children are illegitimate rather than being children of a covenantal marriage. So the knowledge is more specifically knowledge about Covenantal intimacy, which would produce children of covenant.
11:8 - This could be one of the most powerful verses. The Lord says,
"How can I give you up Ephraim? How can I hand you over Israel? How can I treat you like that Admah? How can I make you like Zeboiim? My heart recoils within me; all my compassion is aroused."
We often think that the Old Testament only emphasizes judgement and wrath, but this shows Grace! This is one of the deepest revelations of Gods heart. The word recoil is a strong word in this context. What is it like for the Lords heart to recoil? Its almost like he's having a heart attack! This is the passions of God.
I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. In sum, we must see the faithfulness of the Lord. We are always unfaithful, but He is always faithful and will never leave us. Even if we run to other lovers 1 million times a day, He is faithful to us. He will come and buy us back, no matter the cost. He wants us, His heart recoils and his compassion is aroused for us. He longs just to be with us.