Well, today is today. Not sure where that came from, just felt like doing it. There have been a lot of incredible, fun, life changing, excellent things going on lately, and sometimes the only things I know to do is thank the Lord for where He has me. At the same time though this it is hard, grueling, gut wrenching sometimes. But, the Lord is Sovereign and in control.
Trusting in the Lord is a difficult thing to do, and this week I have really experienced that. It is so easy to just decide to quit everything and do what you really want to do (or what you think you really want). But then you realize then you realize that that would not be who God created you to be. We are overcomers, and if we are where the Lord wants us to be then we need to walk there in our identity as He has called us.
This is what I have been learning in a big nutshell. This applies to multiple facets of my life (especially in the past week). It is time to consciously fight for our identity. If we don't then Satan will subtly come and speak lies which we usually end up sowing. Thus, where there is a sowing of something naturally there is a reaping. If we sow lies we are reaping a false identity. I challenge you today - Fight.
Kurt Miller, it was good to talk to you for a few minutes today.. [something that would be typically said on facebook... must be said on your blog] Keep writing... your blog encourages.
Hey friend,
Hoping to get to really see and talk and pray with you Saturday at RAIN.
Your spirit is contagious, your mind full of the knowledge of God, and your heart steadfast-- Christ is alive in you friend!
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