It has been a few weeks since I have posted, but the Lord has been doing fantastic things and it has been incredible. I have been super busy, but life has never been better.
I am so stirred that we are living in an incredibly urgent hour. The Holy Spirit is doing something so unprecedented in our nation right now. There is hunger stirring all across the nation and the Lord is responding to answered prayer.
About a year and a half ago we began a prayer meeting at Lee University. We are beginning to see answered prayer. But more than that there have been many laborer's in Cleveland praying and warring for Lee. We recognize that we are beginning to live in the fruit of answered prayer and it is unbelievable. This is more than just a good meeting. The Holy Spirit is beginning to touch us with power and it is unbelievable. I have been a part of emotional meetings and camps, but I am so stirred by the Lord and convinced that this is not like that. The work that is happening is lasting and people are getting set free from addictions in an instant.
We gathered Monday - Thursday night of this past week to wait on the Lord. Each night there were anywhere from 25 to 100 people at each meeting and there was an enormous amount of hunger. We are on the verge of something big in America, and this is the real deal! Colleges students are giving up other lesser pleasures and running to Jesus. So good.
I want to encourage you to check out our blog at for more updates and testimonies!
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