In 1948 Israel was restored back as a country for the Jews and then in 1967 Jerusalem was set back up as the capital of this city. Not only is this one of the best proofs for Christianity, but arguably one of the greatest miracles in all of history. 1900 years ago their city was destroyed. The Roman Empire made it illegal for Jews to enter. Not only did it's people not lose their ethnicity, but they kept their original language which some scholars say could be 3,000 years old. This is incredible. The Messiah will not return until all of Israel cry's out, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." Jesus quotes this in Matthew 23:39 and it comes from Psalm 118:26. The people of the city said it in the day of Jesus, but He was addressing the Leadership in the city (the Sanhedrin). For 2,000 years this was impossible, but now it is possible again.
In Romans 10 and 11 Paul Talks about His desires for Israel to be saved and says that this "mystery" will happen before the restoration of all things. These are statistics given by David Sliker,
In 1999 there were 2,200 messianic believers in Israel. In 2009 there were 10-15,000 Messianic believers in Israel. In 10 years the number of believers has increased by 700%. That is unbelievable.
There are many other things concerning this that are happening in the earth today, but the point is that we must watch and pray. In Mark 13:33 Jesus says, "Watch and pray, for you do not know when the time is." We are commanded to know the times and seasons that we are living in. For 2,000 years the 2nd Coming has been impossible, but for the first time in history the scriptures are lining up and its likelihood is increasing. I encourage you to pray about this and ask the Lord to open your eyes to what the Spirit is saying in this hour.
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