College Graduate

I must say, it is weird to think that I am done with Lee. I have finished my school here, but it will be hard to leave. Lee has become a part of me. Friends have come and they have gone, and for a moment I wondered where the Lord was, but He has been faithful to remind me of His faithfulness. The reality is that he has sent me to Lee and Cleveland for a time and season, and the time and season is now up. This is good.

I have learned a lot of new things, met a lot of good people, and given my heart to this school unlike I ever have before, but if I know one thing I know that I have my eyes set on a city who's builder and maker is God, just like Abraham. In the same way that he packed up and left not knowing where he was going, I will too (Hebrews 11-12). I want my vision to be steady so that I am not like a reed shaken by the wind. I planning to go to IHOP-KC for a season right now and don't know much after that, although I am excited and expectant. Lee has given me a desire to incorporate sound theological doctrine, depth, and study into the body of Christ so that we may be rooted and established in His love. My official transcript will state,
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies, with Minors in Biblical Languages and Spanish.
Who knows where this will take me, I simply hope that it will cause me to love Jesus well so that the Lamb may receive the reward of His sufferings.

As I leave Lee, I am thankful to say that I have very few (if any) regrets. In some way this is how the Lord uses the foolish things to shame the wise. I have spent the past three years studying Theology and sitting in a small room praying to a God that I don't see. It seems dumb, but I wouldn't have it any other way. My time at Lee and with the Prayer Room culminated in a Prayer Conference focused on Intimacy with Jesus in which 700 people pre-registered. Somehow the Lord has taken our weak efforts and attempts to bring prayer back to Lee and has made it a central focus of the campus. I am expectant to see what happens at Lee University and in Cleveland TN.

(Now that I have more time on my hands, look forward to more posts)

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Congratulations Kurt! So stinkin proud of you! :) Looking forward to seeing you this summer and excited about this next season for you!

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